
Friday, March 22, 2013

Tips To Relax On Exams


most of you can't relax when you have to study for exams.. but you know i try new things that can make me relaxing my head.. cuz if your head relaxed, you will easy to keep youe study on your head. ;)

here some tips from me :

1. Recite Al-Qur'an
     after you study, if you're a Muslim.. recite the Qur'an. its make your heart and mind fresh.
2. listen to music..
      if you are a music lovers, you will understand how music make us feel relax and fresh. you know even     you don't really love music.. but if you try to listen it from your heart. you will feel enjoying life. just try it. it works
3. Like A Boss...
     don't feel like you are so stressed for exams.. feel like ' its just an exams, not a day that i'll die '.. its a great idea if you feel like nothing is happen.. cuz your friend will think like
' why is he/she so relax? its exams! why don't he/she study ' well your friends will think about why are you so relax for the exams.. that make them lose their focus to exams.. its your change. but keep the study too..;)
4. The Way You Like It...
      you are so free to do your study.. so make it your own style.. just the way that make you easy to understand it.. enjoying it.. and have fun with it..
5. thing somethink funny..
     when you are bored in the class.. your focus will gone.. so try not to get bored.. :)

thats all that i've find from my life.. and its work.. haha.. but still you have to study too.. don't forget that :D 


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